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Articles about COVID-19 Clear search35 articlesMy SpecialtyIntensive Care Unit, Kristina Lawrence, Valley Presbyterian HospitalRising to the challenge of the new normal in the age of COVID-19Kristina Lawrence, RN, BSN, CCRN, CVRN-BC, WCC Clinical Nurse Manager, ICU Valley Presbyterian Hospital, Van Nuys Please tell us about the trajectory of your nursing career My grandmother was a nurse instructor, so I basically grew up in the classroom...FeatureCOVID-19 Contact TracingPart public health nurse, part detectiveI've been a public health nurse for 30 years, so I’ve always understood that the role focuses less on face-to-face patient care and more on administrative work. That effort never felt as important to me as bedside care, but it’s been a different story...Nursing & Healthcare NewsConvalescent Plasma TherapySeeking donations from recovered COVID-19 patientsOne donation could help up to four patients More than 2,300 participating patients at 1,663 clinical sites Therapy still experimental and only given to sickest patients Do you have patients who have fully recovered from COVID-19? Ask them if...
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FeatureNursing on the Front Lines of COVID-19Keeping the virus (and panic) under control at the Seattle-area hospital that treated the first U.S. caseI have never been particularly “germ-averse.” While I’m a protocol-following professional at work, I can be a bit laissez-faire about pathogens in my personal life. I’m not the type of nurse to shed my scrubs and change my shoes like Mr....Nursing & Healthcare NewsCracking Down on Fraudulent Coronavirus ClaimsColloidal silver and eucalyptus radiata do not cure or prevent COVID-19Have you recently seen family members or acquaintances share dubious claims about fighting COVID-19 with essential oils, colloidal silver or herbal tea? The FDA and FTC have seen those assertions too — and issued stern warning letters to several...Nursing & Healthcare NewsANA Asks for Clarity on COVID-19 PPEChanging CDC recommendations lead to confusion for nursesWith spiraling demand for personal protective equipment (PPE) among healthcare providers and the public alike, the CDC keeps changing its PPE recommendations for dealing with COVID-19. The ANA is now asking for “a more definitive statement” about...
PIH Health WhittierSan Gorgonio Community HospitalPIH Health Downey HospitalSan Bernardino County - Arrowhead Regional Medical CenterUCLA HealthHuntington Health, an affiliate of Cedars-SinaiHollywood Presbyterian HospitalCalifornia Rehabilitation InstituteCasa Colina Hospital and Centers for HealthcareAdventist Health
My SpecialtyInfection Prevention Nursing, Esperanza Salazar, St. Francis Medical CenterCombating outbreaks and hospital-associated infectionsEsperanza Salazar, BSN, RN, CIC, HACP Manager, Infection Prevention St. Francis Medical Center, Lynwood How is your team responding to the present COVID-19 outbreak? My responsibilities change drastically during an outbreak or pandemic like the...Nursing & Healthcare NewsCOVID-19 VaccinesWill a vaccine be the answer?Judging by current research progress, there will likely be many COVID-19 vaccines in the foreseeable future. However, they might not be the pandemic-ending answer we’re all waiting for. Vaccine Prognosis As public officials argue about reopening...Posts paginationPrevious1…34
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