CNO Roundtable 2024

Question 7: AI & Robotics

What are some concerns you hear from nurses about new technologies like AI and robotics?

Compilation of headshot photos from 20 CNOs interviewed in the article.

Anna Gonzales / Regal Medical Group

Leveraging AI and robotics to improve outcomes and operational efficiency is exhilarating, but it also introduces challenges such as workforce displacement and the risk of eroding the personal touch intrinsic to nursing. Training programs that equip nurses to work alongside these technologies are crucial.

Karen Grimley / UCLA Health

I remind nurses, “Don’t let technology scare you; it has many positives.” For example, many of us use predictive analytics to help improve care. Clinical pathways can be enhanced by linking and trending information. Telehealth allows us to bring care to our patients and communities, meeting people where they are.

Katie Hughes / Casa Colina Hospital and Centers for Healthcare

My husband, who’s an educator, introduced me to an AI system that generates classroom presentations. I was skeptical, but it created a great presentation that it would have taken me a lot longer to put together. I am excited for the future of AI in healthcare; my concerns are more operational, such as cyber security and financial cost.

Leila Ibushi-Thompson / Adventist Health White Memorial

Common concerns include fears of job displacement, worries about patient privacy and safety, and uncertainty about how these technologies will be integrated into workflows. We address these concerns by providing clear education and training on how these tools will complement nurses’ roles, improve outcomes, and increase efficiency.

David Marshall / Cedars-Sinai

The common concerns about new technologies revolve around unwelcome intrusions into nurses’ hands-on relationships with patients. When we introduced point-to-point delivery robots, we put great effort into introducing the robots as additional team members that reduce the steps that take nurses away from patients, rather than adding new distractions.

Theresa Murphy / USC Verdugo Hills Hospital

AI can process large data sets to help identify problems and provide profiles very rapidly, with huge potential for better outcomes. However, how the algorithms are developed and what inputs are included or excluded can lead to inaccuracy and bias. This is why nurses need to be involved in the development and vigilance in AI utilization.

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