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More of our latest articles:FeatureThe StethoscopeThe origins and evolution of this humble but essential diagnostic tool.A FEW YEARS AGO, a familiar piece of medical equipment quietly celebrated its 200th birthday: the humble stethoscope. This is the story of the origins and evolution of this important tool. Laennec's Brainstorm Listening to the sounds of a patient’s...FeatureThe Zhytomyr Hospital Challenge: Mission AccomplishedDjakuyu — Thank you!When I first met Ukrainian-American nurse practitioner Olena Svetlov last fall, I could never have imagined that nine months later, we’d be standing in a parking lot in Zhytomyr, Ukraine, next to a delivery van packed with new medical equipment....Nursing & Healthcare NewsNational Sample Survey of Registered NursesLatest results reveal how the nursing workforce has changed since the pandemic beganNew federal survey data released this spring gives a snapshot of the U.S. nursing workforce before and after the start of the COVID pandemic. COMPARING RESULTS FROM 2018 and 2022 Established in 1977 and conducted at regular intervals by the National...
Wednesday, April 2UCLA HealthIn Person Recruiter Meet and Greets – UCLA West Valley Medical CenterWednesday, April 2UCLA HealthIn Person Recruiter Meet & Greets – Wilshire Center, Westwood
My SpecialtyPerioperative Educator, Mary McDonald, Ventura County Medical CenterProviding education, policy review, and practice evaluationMary McDonald, RN Perioperative Educator, Surgical Services Department Ventura County Medical Center Please give us a brief summary of your nursing career. As someone who has always enjoyed serving my community, choosing nursing as my career felt...Nursing Book ClubEarly by Sarah DiGregorioAn Intimate History of Premature Birth and What It Teaches Us About Being HumanDelivering a baby at 27 weeks led journalist Sarah DiGregorio to write a well-researched book about prematurity, from the causes to treatment options to the hard choices facing parents and the healthcare team. Sarah DiGregorio’s daughter Mira began...Nursing Book ClubBetween Two Kingdoms: A Memoir of a Life Interrupted by Suleika JaouadA memoir of illness that is also glimpsed in the documentary American SymphonyAn engrossing memoir of illness by an award-winning young columnist, whose battle with leukemia is also glimpsed in the 2023 Netflix documentary American Symphony. Susan Sontag once said there is a separate kingdom for the well — those who take their...
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Nursing Book ClubCrowdsourcing “Diagnosis” on NetflixA reality show for people who love medical mysteriesOne of the biggest questions in medicine is always, “What is wrong with this patient?” In the emergency department, the right diagnosis might keep the patient alive. Determining the cause of a chronic problem can be much trickier. As we know,...FeatureIn Florence’s FootstepsFrom London landmarks to her family's country home“IT BREAKS MY HEART TO LEAVE LEA HURST.” — Florence Nightingale After listening to a talk by two nurses who had visited spots in England related to Florence Nightingale — including her childhood home, Lea Hurst — a friend and I said,...Ukraine DiaryAnimal RescueOne man steps upEditor's Note: In February, Working Nurse launched The Zhytomyr Hospital Challenge to purchase medical equipment for a hospital in Ukraine. This fundraising campaign was a huge success. In June, Olena Svetlov and I traveled to Ukraine to complete our...Posts paginationPrevious1234…51Next
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