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More of our latest articles:Men In Nursing 2020Aaron Acquisto, Magnet Coordinator, Valley Presbyterian HospitalLooking back on this year, what have been the biggest changes in your practice? Many of us have learned a lot about resilience. In my 10 years as an RN, I have always been keen to focus on the needs of others, but I often forget myself. Recently, I was...Nursing & Healthcare NewsCOVID-19 and Workers Comp in CaliforniaS.B.1159 defines illness or death from the coronavirus as a workplace injury for nursesNurses have been putting their lives on the line fighting the pandemic. A new state law makes healthcare workers who contract COVID-19 at work eligible for expedited workers’ compensation benefits. Sick at Work If you’re a healthcare worker or first...Men In Nursing 2020Peter Abbott, Medical-Surgical, San Gorgonio Memorial HospitalLooking back on this year, what have been the biggest changes in your practice? Having to always wear PPE changes how we interact with patients. It’s hard when I cannot see their expressions and they cannot see that I am smiling at them. Since our...
San Bernardino County - Arrowhead Regional Medical CenterPIH Health Downey HospitalAdventist HealthRedlands Community HospitalVentura County Medical CenterMartin Luther King Jr. Community HospitalCasa Colina Hospital and Centers for HealthcareLos Angeles County DHSPIH Health Good Samaritan HospitalUCLA Health
Men In Nursing 2020Men in Nursing 2020Called to the Front Lines During a PandemicCOVID-19 has disrupted healthcare as never before, and nurses of all specialties have seen their practice and daily lives turned upside down. One thing we know is that when times get tough, nurses get tougher. For Working Nurse’s annual focus on Men...FeatureCombatting Workplace ViolenceAttacks against nurses are not just part of the jobEven before the outbreak of COVID-19, some nurses felt that walking into work every day posed a threat to their health and safety. More Dangerous Than Policing Statistics from the federal Department of Labor reveal that nurses are at greater risk of...Nursing & Healthcare NewsThe Financial Impact of COVID-19 on NursesANA survey finds many are facing budget woesHas COVID-19 affected your bank account? A new survey from the American Nurses Foundation finds many nurses have taken a financial hit since the pandemic began. Are You Better Off? On the surface, it might seem that nurses would be better off than many...
Nursing & Healthcare NewsPurdue to Pay the Piper?Pharma giant agrees to accept criminal liability for opioid marketingPurdue agrees to civil and criminal penalties Its opioid business would become a public trust State attorneys general are outraged Purdue Pharma and the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) have agreed to a settlement deal that would see the...Nursing & Healthcare NewsNew California Laws Take Aim at PPE ShortagesHospitals required to stockpile personal protective equipmentThe Legislature is not happy about ongoing PPE shortages at some California hospitals. Two new state laws will require facilities to bolster their stockpiles of personal protective equipment. “Nurses Deserve Protection” It’s no secret that the...Nursing Book ClubClean: the New Science of Skin by James HamblinPutting soap under the microscopeThis is a book you must read if you’ve ever wondered about the difference between the affordable shower gel you buy at the grocery store and the wish-list expensive skincare products you find in the high-end shops. Author James Hamblin has the...Posts navigationPrevious1…282930…50Next
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