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More of our latest articles:Nursing & Healthcare NewsVaccines Holding Strong Against Delta VariantStudy finds no evidence of additional breakthrough infectionIf this summer’s surge in new infections has you worrying about the long-term effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccination, here’s some good news: A new study finds that the vaccines remain highly effective against the Delta variant. Much Less Than Feared...Nursing & Healthcare NewsNP Autonomy May Reduce Opioid DeathsStudy points to increased access to care, treatment as possible reasonsDoes nurse practitioner autonomy help or hurt the opioid epidemic? A new study finds lower opioid mortality in states that allow NPs to practice without physician supervision. Dire Warnings from AMA Back in September 2020, American Medical Association...FeatureCommunicating Under StressPracticing mindfulness activities helps you be more effective during difficult interactionsDo you sometimes lash out in anger at a patient or colleague, only to regret it later? Do you find yourself shutting down or tuning out in tense situations? Practicing effective communication is no easy feat. Nurses need to be able to assess and manage...
Profiles In NursingVirginia A. Henderson (1897–1996), Wrote the Book on Modern NursingThe 20th century’s answer to Florence NightingaleNursing care is more than performing a series of tasks — it is a holistic focus on restoring a patient’s health and independence. This once-revolutionary concept is just one of the core elements of nursing practice articulated by Virginia Henderson, a...Nursing Book ClubThe Premonition: A Pandemic Story by Michael LewisHow America ignored the warnings of public health expertsIn 2019, the Global Health Security Index ranked the U.S. first in overall pandemic readiness. Two years later, we lead the world in both total cases and total deaths due to COVID-19. In his recent book, The Premonition: A Pandemic Story, author Michael...My SpecialtyPsychiatric Emergency Nursing, Sandy Kesler-Newman, Arrowhead Regional Medical CenterCaring for vulnerable behavioral health patientsSandy Kesler-Newman, RN, BSN, PHN Unit Manager, Psychiatric Emergency Department Arrowhead Regional Medical Center, Colton Tell us about the trajectory of your life and career. I have been a nurse 33 years, 22 of which were in the ED. The way I got my...
Wednesday, January 22UCLA HealthWalk-In Wednesdays UCLA Wilshire CenterSunday, February 9Association of California Nurse LeadersACNL Annual Program 2025Wednesday, February 5UCLA HealthWalk In Wednesday UCLA West Valley Medical Center
Healthy WorkforceSmoothing the Way for New HiresHow to get them off to a great startHere’s the fourth in our series of culture of caring initiatives that can help transform your workplace culture from one of unkindness to one of compassion, professionalism and mutual respect. Bad Behavior: Hostility towards new employees Culture of...Nursing & Healthcare NewsThe FDA, Vaping and the “Nicotine Arms Race”JUUL sought to circumvent EU limitsAs state officials urge the FDA to limit the amount of nicotine allowed in U.S.-market vaping products, internal documents reveal that JUUL tried to circumvent the nicotine limits set by European regulators. Call for Nicotine Limits The Food and Drug...Nursing & Healthcare NewsHealthcare Legislation to WatchSome current bills affecting nursing in CaliforniaOur Legislature is currently considering various bills that would affect nursing practice and healthcare in California. Here are a few you should know about. A.B.32: Telehealth Despite the recent prominence of telehealth, current federal and state...Posts navigationPrevious1…192021…50Next
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