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More of our latest articles:FeatureFrom Clodhoppers to ClogsThe colorful history of nursing shoesA typical 12-hour shift keeps nurses on their feet. On average, nurses take more than 9,000 steps a day while contending with hazards like slippery hospital floors, unidentified fluid spills and who knows what kind of germs. It’s no wonder that...My SpecialtyEmergency Nursing, Jesse Lynwood, MLK Community HealthcareAdaptability is key for a nurse leader caring for a hard-hit communityJesse Lynwood III, RN, MSN, PHN Asst. Nurse Manager, Emergency Dept. & Clinical Observation Area MLK Community Healthcare, Los Angeles Please share the arc of your nursing career. What drew you to emergency nursing? I was a reserve firefighter...Movie & TV NursesLife in the “ER”Revisiting the long-running medical dramaI used to think that binge-watching television was for slackers who had nothing better to do with their time. Two years of social isolation, however, has led me to discover the joy of rewatching a show I’d loved, especially now that I can see it without...
Sunday, February 9Association of California Nurse LeadersACNL Annual Program 2025Wednesday, January 22UCLA HealthWalk-In Wednesdays UCLA Wilshire CenterWednesday, February 5UCLA HealthWalk In Wednesday UCLA West Valley Medical Center
Healthy WorkforceHelping Selfish Nurses to Step UpReminding your team that the mission comes firstSean hates to follow Audrey because he knows nothing will be done with their patients during her shift, and she’ll give him excuse after excuse. “I was so busy” is a refrain she repeats like a broken record, although Sean knows for a fact that she...Nursing & Healthcare NewsNurses March on WashingtonDemonstrators advocate for federal legislation to better protect nursesIn May 2022, nurses took to the streets of Washington, D.C. to call for better working conditions — including federal rules on nurse staffing and protection from workplace violence. Pandemic Exacerbates Ongoing Issues The overlapping demonstrations,...Nursing & Healthcare NewsRaDonda Vaught Receives ProbationFormer nurse will have the opportunity for her record to be expungedThe former Tennessee nurse recently convicted of two criminal charges in the 2017 death of a patient will not go to prison. On May 13, the judge sentenced RaDonda Vaught to three years’ probation. Probationary Sentence Although the charges of which...
Nursing Book ClubE.R. Nurses: True Stories from America’s Greatest Unsung Heroes by James Patterson and Matt EversmannNurses advocating for their patients and supporting each otherJames Patterson is one of America’s finest storytellers, best known for his many popular mysteries and thrillers. For his new book, E.R. Nurses, cowritten with Matt Eversmann, he has chosen nonfiction to tell the stories of 50 critical care nurses...Nursing & Healthcare NewsNurse Practitioners on the RiseThe number of licensed NPs grew 9 percent in just one year!According to the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP), the U.S. added 30,000 licensed NPs between 2021 and 2022, and forecasts predict continued growth through 2030. Robust Job Growth Nurse practitioner is one of the fastest-growing...Nursing & Healthcare NewsThe Guilty Verdict in the RaDonda Vaught CaseThe facts as presented in the courtroom, and the dangers of autofillA guilty verdict was reported in the controversial trial of RaDonda Vaught, the former Tennessee nurse who was indicted in 2019 over a medication error that killed an elderly patient. Criminal Conviction Few court cases have attracted as much attention...Posts navigationPrevious1…141516…50Next
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