CNO Roundtable 2023

Question 3: Nurse-Led Projects

What’s a noteworthy nurse-led project you’ve seen recently?

The panelists discuss some exciting recent nurse-led initiatives, from research projects to creative uses for 3D printers to pet therapy.

Nancy Blake, LAC+USC Medical Center

Surgical nurses and CRNAs around the country are getting some fantastic patient outcomes with ERAS (Enhanced Recovery After Surgery), which are evidence-based pathways designed to minimize the patient’s physiologic response to surgery and speed up recovery.

Lori Burnell, Valley Presbyterian Hospital

Our nurses served as research assistants in a study comparing English-, Spanish-, and Armenian-speaking patients’ perceptions of nursing care. Involving frontline nurses brought credibility to the project and helped develop practice changes to better address the needs of each culture.

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Anita Girard, Cedars-Sinai

Our diabetes nurse educators are currently partnering with our endocrinologists to pilot a new continuous glucose-monitoring system that a patient can wear on their arm. It will provide real-time monitoring, with no more finger sticks.

Karen Grimley, UCLA Health

Caring for COVID-19 patients involved more nurse-led projects and solutions than I’d ever seen before, whether it was using 3D printers to engineer face shield headbands, converting hospital spaces to ICUs, or using tablets to improve communications with patients.

Evelyn Ku, Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital

We recently established a PCA (Patient Care Associates) Academy to standardize patient care delivery across the units, focusing on hands-on practice, with simulation and return demonstrations. We’ve had 151 PCAs go through this training, which has been well received.

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Deborah McCoy, USC Arcadia Hospital

To help prepare for the expanded range of surgical services we can now offer, our nursing leadership hosts service line interdisciplinary readiness meetings, where surgeons meet with the care teams, discuss pathways, and develop action plans. We’ve had enthusiastic participation.

Darlene Scafiddi, Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center

A nurse-led project I’m excited about is our pet therapy program, developed by one of our ED nurses. Our therapy dog visits the units to offer support for patients, families, and staff. I can personally attest to the joy and comfort he brings. ■

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