Men In Nursing 2020

Renato P. Regalado, Critical Care, Methodist Hospital of Southern California

Looking back on this year, what have been the biggest changes in your practice?

My experience has included challenges and rewarding opportunities. For example, our nursing division has been working with local government and health officials to develop protocols to protect our community from COVID-19.

Tell us about the most inspirational thing you’ve experienced as a nurse during this pandemic.

We had a COVID-19 patient whose family lived in Asia. She had been ventilated in critical care and failed multiple weaning trials. On one of her coherent days, she wrote on her white board, “Let me go.” However, her children wanted to continue aggressive measures to prolong her life. I explained her wishes to her children, who ultimately chose to shift the focus of her care to alleviating her suffering. We facilitated an online video conference to enable the family to reconnect with their mother. This experience reminds me that we are trying to heal patients emotionally and spiritually, as well as physically.

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What nonmedical support from family, friends or the general public has been most appreciated?

The support from my wife is what I have appreciated most. After work, she screens me to ask whether or not I cared for COVID-19 patients during my shift. If the answer is yes, she puts my scrubs in a bucket of boiling soapy water. She is rigorous in ensuring that our family stays safe and healthy.

Nursing Education

How have you grown as a nurse since you started working in this profession?

I feel that I have grown as a nurse because I push beyond the fears and continue to believe in the impact I am having. I have also gained a greater respect for the power of teamwork. We cannot fight this alone; supporting each other is the only way to make it through.

Read the full Men in Nursing 2020 article here.

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