Nursing & Healthcare News

Childrens Hospital Rankings

CHLA and UCLA among 2019-20 Best Hospitals

Congratulations are due to Children’s Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA) and UCLA Mattel Children’s Hospital: Both made the U.S. News & World Report 2019–20 Best Children’s Hospitals rankings.

California’s Best

Only 84 U.S. hospitals earned a place on the 2019–20 U.S. News & World Report Best Children’s Hospital list — and only 10 earned a place on the Best Children’s Hospitals Honor Roll. Among them is Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, which was the top-ranked hospital in California, the best in the western region and the fifth highest-rated children’s hospital in the nation.

Nursing Education

CHLA ranked among the top 10 hospitals nationwide in seven of the 10 specialty areas U.S. News rated — including cardiology and heart surgery; diabetes and endocrinology; orthopedics; gastroenterology and GI surgery; neurology and neurosurgery; neonatology; and cancer — and was among the top 20 in the other three areas.

“It’s an honor to be selected by U.S. News as a top-five children’s hospital in the United States and the best in the western U.S.,” says Nancy Lee, RN, MSN, NEA-BC, CHLA’s senior vice president and chief clinical officer. “Our nurses contribute mightily to the overall high quality of clinical care and outcomes we deliver to our patients. I am proud of the dedication and performance exhibited by our entire patient care services team.”

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Strong Showing

UCLA Mattel Children’s Hospital also made a strong showing in the 2019–20 list, ranking in the top 20 nationwide for three specialties: gastroenterology and GI surgery, nephrology and orthopedics.

You can read more about the rankings and methodology at

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