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446 articlesHealthy Workforce11 Ways to Celebrate your CoworkersThese acts of kindness will create a more positive workplace for everyoneWhile this column is often focused on managing negative workplace issues like bullying and incivility, it’s also important to celebrate the positive: namely, the wonderful coworkers who make our jobs easier and better! Taking time to show your...Nursing Book ClubTaking Care By Sarah DiGregorioThe Story of Nursing and Its Power to Change Our WorldFreelance journalist Sarah DiGregorio is not a nurse, but she has had intimate exposure to nursing through the death of her mother, her own emergency surgery, and the premature birth of her daughter (recounted in her previous book, Early), as well as...Nursing & Healthcare NewsNurses and Charitable GivingOnly 1 percent of all private donations to healthcare go to nursingWhile healthcare now draws over $50 billion a year in philanthropic giving, a new report from the American Nurses Foundation (ANF) finds that only a small fraction of that money goes to nursing — and not always in the areas that most need it. A Penny...
Nursing & Healthcare NewsImplicit Bias Training LawReducing racial disparities in pregnancy and childbirthFour years ago, California enacted a law requiring hospitals to provide implicit bias training for perinatal care staff. A new report from the California Department of Justice (DOJ) examines how hospitals are complying with that law. S.B.464 Revisited...Men in Nursing 2023Men in Nursing 2023Answering the call with passion and purposeWorking Nurse talked to 15 nurses at local hospitals about their specialties, their most memorable patient encounters, and how their practice has changed in the last five years, and more. They also revealed what they do to recharge — from...Nursing & Healthcare NewsNurses Versus Climate ChangeANA releases position statement on what nurses can doCalling climate change “a critical public health issue that requires urgent action,” the ANA recently released a new position statement outlining nurses’ role in addressing the multiple health impacts of a warming planet. "The Single Biggest Health...
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Healthy WorkforceHow to Stop Cyberbullying in the WorkplaceHarassment is harassment whether in person or onlineTory is the manager on a 22-bed urology unit. As soon as she arrives at work, one of her nurses rushes into her office and says, “Did you see what Carrie posted on Facebook about Imani?” Tory learns that Carrie made nasty remarks about Imani’s...My SpecialtyNurse ResearcherUsing data and surveys to develop evidence-based nursing careCatherine Cohen, RN, Ph.D. Health Policy Researcher The RAND Corporation, Santa Monica Please share with us the arc of your nursing career. I started in nursing late as a second career. During my earlier career as a business strategy consultant...FeatureNightingale in CrimeaHow a fiery newspaper article took Florence Nightingale into the Crimean War and sparked her crusade for hospital reformOn the morning that her life would change, Florence Nightingale sat down to her preferred breakfast of tea and kedgeree (a curry of rice, boiled egg, and smoked halibut) and opened The Times of London. It was October 12, 1854. Thomas Chenery, the Times...Posts navigationPrevious1…678…50Next
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