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446 articlesProfiles In NursingEvelyn Lundeen (1900-1963), Neonatal Nurse Who Redefined Premature Infant CareSetting the standards for neonatology careWhen Evelyn Lundeen began the job that would become her life’s work, neonatology as we know it was barely practiced in the U.S. When Evelyn Lundeen began the job that would become her life’s work, neonatology as we know it was barely practiced in the...Nursing & Healthcare NewsAntibiotic Resistance2.9 million infections a year, but hospital efforts are helpingA new CDC report estimates that antibiotic-resistant infections now kill almost 36,000 people a year in the U.S., but hospitals have made some important progress in infection control. Strong Improvement Two weeks before Thanksgiving, the CDC published...Nursing & Healthcare NewsToo Little Shut-EyeStudy finds sleep deprivation is common for on-shift nursesHow much sleep do you normally get before a shift? A new study suggests that for many nurses, the answer is, “Not enough.” Eighty-Three Minutes Less If you work 12-hour shifts, you probably find that you get less sleep on days you’re on-shift than...
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Nursing & Healthcare NewsNurses and Environmental ActionBecome a Climate Champion with the ANHEAre you concerned about the impact environmental threats like climate change will have on health and healthcare? Are you looking to do something about it? The Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments (ANHE) can help. From Lead Contamination to...Nursing Book ClubThe Body: A Guide for Occupants by Bill BrysonA delightful, informative readIf I were asked to select my favorite book of the year, it would be The Body: A Guide for Occupants. Bill Bryson is a bestselling, award-winning author whose attention to detail cannot be matched. Throw in a wry sense of humor and willingness to delve...My SpecialtyPerioperative Nursing, Bonita Aceto, Redlands Community HospitalCaring for surgical patients at their most vulnerableBonita Aceto, RN, MSN, CNOR, RNFA Director of Perioperative, Infusion and Specialty Services Redlands Community Hospital Please describe the trajectory of your nursing career. I’ve been a nurse for 30 years — I received my ADN and became an RN in...
Nursing & Healthcare NewsVaping Lung Injury UpdateA common ingredient may become hazardous when inhaledThe number of confirmed deaths due to vaping-related lung injury has now reached 42, but there’s finally some good news: CDC researchers have identified a possible cause of this mysterious illness. Zeroing in on a Cause Public health officials are now...Profiles In NursingEdith Patton Lewis (1914-2005), Investigative Reporter and EditorA psychiatric staff nurse, she wrote sharp pieces on the condition and career of being a nurseWriting is a fact of life for nurses, whether it’s charting, scientific papers or our endless daily stream of texts and emails. Writing is a fact of life for nurses, whether it’s charting, scientific papers or our endless daily stream of texts and...Nursing & Healthcare NewsControversial Hospital Star Rating System ContinuesCMS metrics called inaccurate and misleadinDespite the urging of hospital associations, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) are going forward with their controversial Hospital Compare ratings for 2020, delaying any major changes to the methodology for another year. Ill-Starred?...Posts navigationPrevious1…373839…50Next
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