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446 articlesNursing & Healthcare NewsThe Nursing State of the NationLatest RN demographicsCurious about the demographics of nurses nationwide? HRSA’s latest National Sample Survey of Registered Nurses (NSSRN) has the answers, which reveal some important trends in nursing education. Greater Diversity Although the NSSRN has been periodically...Nursing & Healthcare NewsFDA Squelches Hand Sanitizer ClaimsA warning to PurellAlthough the CDC still recommends alcohol-based hand sanitizer for clinical hand hygiene, the FDA recently cautioned a leading manufacturer against making unsupported claims about their products’ ability to prevent infection. Dispenser Panic For...Nursing & Healthcare NewsStill Most TrustedGallup poll reaffirms robust public trust in nursesGallup has kicked off the Year of the Nurse in style with new poll results demonstrating that nursing (again!) remains America’s most trusted profession. Ethics and Honesty If you ever find yourself feeling a little worn down at work, you can take...
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Nursing & Healthcare NewsInternational Year of the Nurse and MidwifeWHO calls for 9 million new nurses in next decade2020 isn’t just the Year of the Nurse — the World Health Organization (WHO) has also declared this the International Year of the Nurse and the Midwife. Expanded Role The World Health Organization is a big fan of nurses and midwives, and says the...Nursing Book ClubBlack Death at the Golden Gate by David K. Randall and The Mosquito: A Human History of the Deadliest Predator by Timothy C. WindegardTwo books about the politics of epidemicsAs we confront the spread of the coronavirus, I decided to investigate two recent nonfiction books about contagious disease, and the social and political implications of public health during an epidemic. The first is Black Death at the Golden Gate, by...My SpecialtyClinical Navigator Perinatal Services, Michael Russo, Henry MayoImproving processes and systems while empowering the nursing teamMichael Russo, RNC-NIC, MSN, CLC NICU Clinical Navigator Perinatal Services Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital, Valencia Please describe the trajectory of your nursing career. I began my career in 2012 by finding an internship program in pediatrics at...
Nursing & Healthcare NewsBRN ScandalCalifornia state auditor investigation finds gross misconductThe Board of Registered Nursing is responsible for investigating nurses accused of misconduct, but a recent investigation by California State Auditor Elaine M. Howle, CPA, concluded that three BRN executives committed gross misconduct — ironically, by...Nursing & Healthcare NewsCOVID-19 VaccinesWill a vaccine be the answer?Judging by current research progress, there will likely be many COVID-19 vaccines in the foreseeable future. However, they might not be the pandemic-ending answer we’re all waiting for. Vaccine Prognosis As public officials argue about reopening...Feature6 Job Search Tips for NursesAre you ready to try a new direction?Whether you’re a new graduate or a seasoned nurse, job hunting can be a stressful, overwhelming experience. Making a change and jumping into a new challenge is both scary and exciting. It’s easy to get wrapped up in the stress of a career change, but...Posts navigationPrevious1…363738…50Next
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