Men In Nursing 2020

Michael Estona, Medical-Surgical Simulation Faculty, West Coast University

Looking back on this year, what have been the biggest changes in your practice?

As a simulation facilitator, I have found the switch to remote instruction especially challenging. Simulation is largely a tactile experience; our on-campus program uses several high-fidelity mannequins that mimic a live patient. The simulation faculty has developed new content to approximate the on-campus experience as much as possible within the limitations of the available technology.

We use interactive media, virtual patient monitors and test results, and other visual aids to simulate the effects of various clinical decisions. However, I am looking forward to a return to campus and some semblance of normalcy!

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Tell us about the most inspirational thing you’ve experienced as a nurse during this pandemic.

The way medical staff in general has come together is certainly encouraging. My coworkers have all been willing to help each other out, which gives me hope that we will come back from this situation the better for it.

What nonmedical support from family, friends or the general public has been most appreciated?

The local community has been very generous with PPE. While we are still having to ration supplies and reuse N95 masks and gowns, we are much better off now than we were a few months ago. Local restaurants have donated food to hospital staff as well. The way the community has pulled together reinforces our faith in humanity.

Nursing Education

How have you grown as a nurse since you started working in this profession?

Working as an instructor has directly affected my ongoing work in the hospital, as I feel I have grown alongside my students. I certainly have a greater understanding of why certain aspects of nursing education are so important and the logic behind the materials we present to students.

As the situation evolves and the healthcare field learns more about how to limit the impact COVID-19 has on our community, it will be imperative that we adequately prepare new nurses for the roles they will play in the coming months and years.

Read the full Men in Nursing 2020 article here.

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