CNO Roundtable 2023
Question 5: New Technology
What’s a new technology you think will be commonplace in 10 years?
The panel discusses some healthcare technological advancements that are relatively new at present, but may be taken for granted by nurses 10 years from now, the way EHRs are today.
Annabelle Duschane Braun, MemorialCare Orange Coast Medical Center
Robotics will aid the nursing front lines by reducing monotonous tasks, such as transporting, cleaning, and disinfecting equipment; medication management; and greeting visitors. Having these tasks provided by robots may provide nurses more time to spend with their patients.
Anita Girard, Cedars-Sinai
I think virtual nursing will be commonplace, with nurses working on an inpatient unit one week and acting as virtual admissions nurses the next. Wouldn’t it be great if new grads could discuss clinical conditions in real time with a virtual nurse on their iPad?